Grande terremoto em Porto Rico: sem energia

Grande terremoto em Porto Rico
Escrito por Jürgen T Steinmetz

The 6.6 magnitude earthquake felt on the whole island of Puerto Rico.  According to eyewitnesses half of the island is without power. According to an eyewitness this means is that every generator has shut down under its protection protocols. The entire island is without power. This is Hurricane Maria all over again  According to eyewitnesses…

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  • According to an eyewitness this means is that every generator has shut down under its protection protocols.
  •   Segundo testemunhas oculares, metade da ilha está sem energia.
  • The entire island is without power.


Sobre o autor

Jürgen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz trabalhou continuamente na indústria de viagens e turismo desde que era adolescente na Alemanha (1977).
Ele achou eTurboNews em 1999 como o primeiro boletim informativo online para a indústria global de turismo de viagens.

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