OHB SE & AFK Enterprise concordam em adquirir participação na Deutsche Aircraft Holdings

A empresa conjunta da OHB e AFK, DAH Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, assinou na quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2022, um acordo para garantir um importante investimento minoritário na Deutsche Aircraft Holdings (DAH), o único proprietário das empresas do Deutsche Aircraft Group.

A empresa conjunta da OHB e AFK, DAH Beteiligungsgesellschaft mbH, assinou na quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2022, um acordo para garantir um importante investimento minoritário na Deutsche Aircraft Holdings (DAH), o único proprietário das empresas do Deutsche Aircraft Group.

O investimento vem de uma joint venture entre a empresa aeroespacial OHB SE e a empresa de investimentos AFK Enterprise AG, e impulsionará o desenvolvimento de novas tecnologias de aviação ecológica, incluindo o D328eco™, uma versão ecológica do aclamado Do328® aeronave de passageiros de curta distância fabricada pela Deutsche Aircraft GmbH.

Sob o acordo, os investidores têm o potencial de adquirir propriedade adicional até a maioria em um momento posterior.

The partnership fuels progress on the D328eco and Leipzig production facilities, as well as to open opportunities for the development of future aircraft variants in new international markets.

Dave Jackson, CEO of Deutsche Aircraft said: “This investment reaffirms both the strong market need for a proven regional aircraft and underpins the belief in the green aviation sector, in particular the opportunities Deutsche Aircraft’s new D328eco aircraft will offer.”

Deutsche Aircraft’s D328 series of aircraft is founded on the proud heritage of Dornier and Deutsche Aircraft is the holder of the Do328® type certificate. With new propulsion systems, latest-generation avionics and more seats, the D328eco will set new standards for environmentally-friendly short-haul flying. Deutsche Aircraft is also studying a variety alternative fuels and future climate-neutral propulsion systems as part of its product roadmap. The Do328 is the last commercial aircraft to date to have been developed and built entirely in-house by a German company – and this will also be the case with the D328eco.

The equity stake in DAH is subject to approval from the German Government which is currently supporting the development of the D328eco with a high-volume development cost loan, and, in addition, supports the development of clean aviation initiatives at Deutsche Aircraft. The transaction is anticipated to close during the first quarter of 2023, following regulatory approvals and other customary closing conditions.

With this investment we are significantly strengthening our Aerospace business segment,” said Dr. Lutz Bertling, member of OHB SE’s management board. “Beyond the current project, OHB intends to develop with its partners strategically more joint business in Europe, the United States and Middle East, including beyond aviation, with first projects already under discussion in the defense and space sectors.”

“For us, this investment is another important step in diversifying our portfolio into mobility with environmentally friendly drives,” said Dr. Berthold Peikert, CEO AFK Enterprise AG.


Sobre o autor

Harry johnson

Harry Johnson foi o editor de atribuição de eTurboNews por mais de 20 anos. Ele mora em Honolulu, Havaí, e é originário da Europa. Ele gosta de escrever e cobrir as notícias.

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