Instituto de hospitalidade da Índia concede bolsas de estudo

Durante a cerimônia de despedida do 21º Chandiwala Hospitality Ensemble, realizado no Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute of Hotel Management and Catering Technology, Nova Delhi (19 a 21 de outubro de 2022), foi uma honra para o BCIHMCT anunciar SHRI RAJINDERA KUMAR MEMORIAL BOLSA para os hoteleiros iniciantes.

This scholarship aims to provide financial support to one of the deserving meritorious and underprivileged students every year.  This Memorial Scholarship Fund will offer renewable, four-year scholarships to students with financial needs who display academic achievement. 

Ms Prisha Walecha, (Batch 2021 – 2025) became the first recipient of Shri Rajindera Kumar Memorial Scholarship. This award was given  by Mrs Komal Kumar (wife of Late Shri Rajindera Kumar) and Mr Shivendera Kumar (son of Late Shri Rajindera Kumar) Director, The Ambassador, New Delhi. This award was announced by Mrs Komal Kumar (wife of Late Shri Rajindera Kumar) and Mr Shivendera Kumar (son of Late Shri Rajindera Kumar) Director, The Ambassador, New Delhi.

Mr Kumar was a Guide and Mentor to the entire hospitality industry and we used to get tremendous support from him always. We don’t see many philanthropic acts in our industry nowadays, whereas during this pandemic the need for such noble initiative has arisen more. We appreciate the initiative by Shri Shivendra Kumar and his family in launching  of   Shri Rajindera Kumar Memorial Scholarship and we are Grateful to the Kumar Family for entrusting this responsibility to the BCIHMCT.


Sobre o autor

Linda Hohnholz

Editor-chefe para eTurboNews baseado no eTN HQ.

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